Daily Verse of the Day KJV


Discover daily spiritual inspiration with our Bible Verse of the Day from the King James Version (KJV). Explore into timeless wisdom and find guidance, comfort, and strength in each verse, beautifully presented to uplift your faith journey.

April 27, 2024 Saturday

The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar. — Proverbs 19:22 KJV

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What a person desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar. — Proverbs 19:22 NIV

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Today's Verse Reflection

This verse highlights two core virtues which is first Steadfast Love and Honesty. These qualities are deeply valued over wealth or status. The emphasis on steadfast love or loyalty as the most desirable trait really speak to the importance of relational integrity and faithfulness. This calls Christians or believers to prioritize l0ving relationships reflecting the commitment of the great love of God for us.

We can see here about contrast between a poor man and a liar where it serves as a powerful teaching on the value of truthfulness. Even in a society that often equates success with material wealth, this proverb elevates moral character above economic status. This also serves as challenge for us to reconsider what we value in ourselves and others while putting honesty, and integrity… at the forefront.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, grant me the courage to be honest even when it may be difficult, and nurture in my heart a love that is constant and unwavering. I pray that my actions and words reflect Your love and truth, so that those around me might see Your goodness through my life.

Strengthen me, Father, to be better than I was yesterday, more loving and more truthful, as I strive to be a reflection of Christ. Let my life be a testament to the values that You cherish, and help me to walk in a manner worthy of Your calling.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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© 2020-2024, Chosen Disciple Church International, Inc. VerseForTheDay.com is part of the Chosen Disciple of Jesus Fellowship Network. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION and NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. | About | Contact